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Using Analytics Dashboards

Dashboards can be created as part of a Tator Enterprise Subscription, or by a developer on your team using the developers guide to creating dashboards. This guide describes how a user with existing dashboards can access and utilize them from the Tator ui.

Accessing dashboards

  1. First click into your Project, and click the Analytics button.

UI Screenshot showing Analytics button

  1. Next, click Dashboards to see a list of dashboard registered to your project.

UI Screenshot showing Dashboards button

  1. If there are none listed on this page, then there are none registered. To use a dashboard, click into the dashboard from here. UI Screenshot showing Dashboards list

Using a dashboard

Generally, once you are in your dashboard it should behave as if it is part of the Tator core web ui. Dashboard features, however, are unique to the project. The best practice for developers is to include useful information within the dashboard so users can navigate it.